Image by Erica Henderson
sam ‘Bubbleboy’ Dixon
Bubbleboy Hall is named after our wonderful friend Sam. Here is a little bit about him:
Sam was diagnosed with leukaemia at age 8 and was isolated throughout the last 4 years of his life. His biggest joy during this period was comics books and recording the ‘Bubbleboy and the Travelling Man’ podcast in the Travelling Man Newcastle store with Ali and Mama. Sam also used his experiences to create his own superhero, ‘Bubbleboy’— a cancer patient living in a sterile bubble by day and superhero by night. Sam and Bubbleboy are the inspiration behind the Bubblebusters project, which you can learn more about here.
Sam was exceptional in every aspect of his personality; kind, funny, tough, truly thoughtful, brave, creative, articulate far beyond his years, and intelligent, all without compare. One of a kind and also one of many who shared the same passion and enthusiasm for the thing everyone reading this enjoys too. Conversation with Sam about comics, films, and stories as a whole were unrivalled and it was always amazing to see him share his own passion and enthusiasm with other comic-loving folks. Some of his favourite books included The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl, Jughead, Black Hammer, and a the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. If you’d like a sense of who Sam was, you’ll find something of his personality, sense of humour, outlook, and the things that were important to him in their pages. Sam passed away in the November of 2019.
Rest in power, Sam. Save the multiverse, Bubbleboy